Thursday, January 21, 2010

Difference between Perspective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing

While Perspective Drawing is to show on a piece of paper how objects can look smaller the further away you are from it, Isometric Drawing is different as it is viewed from a far enough position so that perspetive drawing is hard to notice and Isometric drawings are drawn in such a way that one edge will face you and is of an angle of 120degrees. Perspective Drawing(top, source:, Isometric drawing(upmost top, source:

Orthographic Drawings are quite different from the other drawings, Orthographic Drawings are actually Isometric Drawings, with the rear, left and bottom views "cut" off and the other three views separated. Source of Orthographic drawing on bottom:

Oblique drawings are supposed to show the viewer a 3-D perspective of an object, with the width of the object as the front view of the object. How long the object's length is but is blocked by the width is called the depth. There are three types of oblique drawings, the first one, the cabinet drawing has the object's depth cut in half. The second type of oblique drawing is the Cavalier drawing where the depth is at full length. The last type of oblique drawing is the normal kind where the depth is cut by three quarters. Source of the Oblique drawing on the bottom:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Definition of theme - Environment

From MacBook Pro Dictionary
1) The surroundings or condition of which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.It could be the environment of which you study in or you read in, etc.
2) The environment is the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical, especially affected by human activities. This kind of environment can be a pond environment or a forest environment where animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms live together in a predator- prey relationship.
1) The aggregate of the surrounding things, conditions, or influences. For example, "The environment we live in is a hostile one as there are war going on in the neighbouring countries."
2) The air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and effecting a given organism at any time. For example, "The environment the sparrow lives in right now supplies it with sufficient air, water , food and warmth for it to survive."
3) The social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or population. For example, "The environment children live in nowadays give them too much comfort that usually they lack of survival skills."
4) The hardware or software configuration, or the mode of operation, of a computer system. For example, "In today's fast-paced environment, messages sent through email or SMS can be immediately answered by the other party."
5) An indoor or outdoor setting that is characterised by the presence of environmental art that is itself designed to be site-specific. For example, "This art museum' environment has been changed to suit the art-lovers who like to come here to view the pieces of art masterpieces."
1) The circumstances, objects or conditions by which one is surrounded. For example, "You would be surrounded by huge piles of useless rubbish if you step into that storeroom."
2) a : The complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival. For example, "Star-nosed moles require darkness, lots of soil and food to survive well."( b : is similar to meaning of environment number 3 of
3) The position or characteristic position of a linguistic element in a sequence. For example, "The different dialects evolve over time in each province of a country is a result of their different linguistic environment."
4) A computer interface from which various tasks can be performed . For example, "Facebook and Blogger are different environments of the computer."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

1)ADMT means to me as a chance to learn more about technology and media.

2)An ADMT student should be creative, innovative, be well-versed in using many kinds of technology and be willing to learn new things all the time.

3)My aspiration as an ADMT student is to be able to know how to use many different types of technology and to be able to make animations.

4)I can achieve my aspiration by learning more about the latest kinds of technology through the Internet and practise using technology to do schoolwork.

5)If there is no art or design, people would not be able to make the proper clothes we wear today, and if there is no media or technology, inventors of the past would not be have invented all the useful technology that we use today and life would be like the cavepeoples'. Without design, people would not even be able to build the kampongs that the early pioneers of Singapore used as houses.